Individual Accounts-Local
- Identification document e.g. National ID, Passport, Alien ID, Military ID ( Photocophy)
- Pass port size photo
- Dually filled membership form
- Registration fee ksh 500
Toto Junior
- Parent/Guardian Identification as above and KRA PIN
- Child birth certificate
Welfare Groups i.e. Self Help Groups, Community Based Organizations
- Identification documents for Officials-Chairman, Treasurer, secretary, Vice-chairman and any other.
- Pass port size photo for all members
- Group registration certificate from social service department which should bear a signature.
- Introduction letter from Sub/County social service office introducing the Officials-Ensure it is signed and stamped.
- Minutes of meeting by the group members where they resolved open account with Ng’ara Maisha Sacco -need to be signed by the 3 officials. In addition, the group name, date of meeting, place and time need to be clear on the heading. Also should capture names of members who attended.
- By-laws of the group-should be signed by the 3 officials.
- Dually filled group membership form
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
Cooperative Societies
- Identification documents for signatories i.e. chairman, treasurer, secretary and any other.
- Signatories passport size photo.
- KRA PIN certificates of above signatories
- Registration certificate and KRA PIN for the society.
- Introduction letter from County director of cooperatives-introducing above signatories-should be signed and stamped.
- Minutes/Resolution of meeting of management committee resolving open account with VAS-signed by the officials and stamped.
- By-laws of the society-should be clear they are for the said coop society and signed by officials.
- Dually filled membership form
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
Registered Business
- Identification documents and KRA pins for signatories.
- Signatories passport size photo
- Registration certificate of which registered owner(s) indicated should be the signatory(ies)
- Dually filled membership form
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
Note: If one of the signatory’s name does not appear on the registration certificate, introduction letter from registered owner should be obtained to introduce him as a signatory. In addition, if the certificate indicates more than one registered owner, all the owners should be present to sign application form.
Registered in old companies Act before 2015
- Identification documents for signatories + their KRA PINs
- Signatories passport size photos.
- Registration certificate of the company + its KRA PIN
- Company board resolution resolving open account with VAS-Signed by directors-should be on letter head/or stamped/or bearing company seal
- Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association
- CR12
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
Registered under New Companies Act i.e. 2015 and after
- Identification documents for signatories + their KRA PINs
- Signatories passport size photos
- Registration certificate of the company + its KRA PIN
- Company board resolution resolving open account with VAS i.e. for those with more than 1 director –and should be on letter head/or stamped/or bearing company seal
- CR2-Memorandum of association
- CR8-Notice of residential address of the directors
- CR12
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
- Identification Documents for officials+ KRA PIN
- Officials passport size photos
- Church registration certificate
- Minutes of church committee resolving open account with VAS-signed and stamped.
Note: For church branches where persons opening account are not the registered official(s), an introduction letter from Pastor/Vicar/father/church leader should be obtained.
- Copy of the constitution
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
Private Schools
- Identification document for the signatory(ies)
- Signatories passport size photos
- KRA PIN for signatories
- Registration certificate which can be registered business name certificate or limited company registration certificate (As above). For school registered as limited company, requirements for limited companies are applicable.
- If registered as limited company, then KRA PIN for school should also be obtained.
- Registration fee ksh 2,000
- Certificate from ministry of education approving the school.
Note: The signatories are the registered business owner as per registration certificate or CR12 and not school manager.