Our Vision
A vibrant and stable Sacco,offering timely and diverse financial products to members at a fair interest rates.
Our Mission
To offer efficient suitable and credit facilities to enlightened members and to provide prudent and business oriented management in tandem with the changing socio-economic environment.
Our History
Founding and Early Growth (1984-2018):
Ng’ara Maisha Sacco Limited was officially registered on September 24, 1984, with registration certificate number CS/4161. The society began with a modest membership of 110 individuals and steadily grew over the years. By focusing on empowering its members through the provision of diversified products and services, Ng’ara Maisha Sacco established a solid foundation and expanded its reach within the cooperative sector.
Founding and Early Growth (1984-2018):
Ng’ara Maisha Sacco Limited was officially registered on September 24, 1984, with registration certificate number CS/4161. The society began with a modest membership of 110 individuals and steadily grew over the years. By focusing on empowering its members through the provision of diversified products and services, Ng’ara Maisha Sacco established a solid foundation and expanded its reach within the cooperative sector.
Regulatory and Sectoral Overview:
Ng’ara Maisha Sacco operates under the regulatory framework of the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) for deposit-taking Saccos and the Department of Co-operatives Development for non-deposit-taking Saccos. This regulatory distinction ensures proper governance and member protection.